Welcome to Theme 1


Welcome to Theme 1 of your ISHTA YOGA TTC course, where you can now do Modules 1 & 2 online (Module 3 currently still requires a 1 week away-retreat, as this is where all the physical and hands-on teaching is learned and experienced directly, and there is no substitute for this real-life learning exchange.)

Please ensure you have emailed me: 1. Course Disclaimer, 2. About Me, and printed your relevant course notes.

In the lectures for this week we are covering:

  • What is Yoga?
  • What is Hatha Yoga?
  • Origins, History and Development of Yoga from the Samkhya/Sankhya philosophy
  • Vedanta, Sacred Texts
  • The Five Great Paths of Yoga
  • The 5 Koshas
  • Overview of the 8 Limbs of Patanjali's Raja Yoga

Theme 1 was originally present over a full weekend, and thus it is absolutely manageable to complete this theme within 1 week as a part of home-study programme. It provides 489 minutes (about 8 hours) of lecture videos, plus then the additional supplementary videos, journalling, and self-study.

As always, please set aside 60-90min a day for study, practice and teaching. This will ensure you enjoy the course, assimilate the wisdom, and allow the sacred of the sacred science to profoundly impact your life on a deeper level than just intellectually.

If you have any questions, please email me, or set up an appointment for additional private tuition: [email protected] (+27 71 874 1890)

In loving kindness,

Ryan G. Edmonds (Sevak Hari Singh)


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